
New photographer crush: Melissa Rodwell

So, every so often I get all warm and fuzzy about a certain photographer. I call it a photographer crush and I'm fairly sure every photographer goes through this. I had heard of Melissa when she came out with her DVD 'fashion photography exposed'. I totally wanted it but it was insanely expensive for someone like me who still hasn't paid off her last camera purchase. ($300 may not sound like a lot to someone else with expendable income. I am not one of those people.) So, without much research, I just moved on. Hey, I'm fairly comfortable with ongoing disappointment. While doing some research...


I’m such a slacker

I haven't updated in a long time, so I thought I would post some of this weeks shoot with Miss Leigh-Anne. She's a word girl (aka a writer in need of head shots). A shy girl by nature, but full of moxie. Got to love the natural red heads! She said she also wanted some arty shots...so we had fun dragging the shutter. Fun times. Perhaps I'll not be such a slacker in the future and blog all of my work?


Hello, my name is…

So, hello and welcome to my humble little site.  It used to be a much crappier version but I decided to revamp it.  Let me know what you think!